Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Little Organization: Moving Advice.

So I think that it is safe to say that some of us are much more organized than others.  My junk drawer us usually way beyond junky, my clothes closet looks like an explosion, and the cabinet where I keep my pots and pans speaks for itself.

When I found out that i was going to be moving (again) I knew that I was in trouble and could use a little bit of advice in the moving department.  I was given several helpful tips from friends that I should share in case anyone should find themselves as disorganized as me and clueless as to where I should start.

Tip # 1 from Lauren: Label! Label! Label!

Tip # 2 from Aubrey: Don't label too many boxes gets way too confusing/frustrating 

when you unpack. Def take your time & label everything. Sometimes my OCD comes out and I tape an 

inventory list of the contents of the box on the top :)

Tip # 3 from Bobbi: Atlas van lines

Tip # 4 from Noteka:  packing party.... Organize, list and label... I'll bring the sharpies... 

Tip # 5 from Elizabeth: My biggest word of advice, pack by room, label boxes on all sides with the 

major things in them (not just what room it is), and keep a few boxes reserved for the very important/use 

everyday stuff and put it on last. Start early because if you don't, you will just start throwing stuff in 

boxes. Get rid of lots of stuff! Its so great to shed stuff! Enjoy the process! Take pictures of how your 

place is now.

Tip # 6 from Stephanie: I also got a tape gun! And a pack of big fat sharpies for labeling the boxes. 

Nonessentials first, one room at a time, and lots of trips to drop junk off at Goodwill!

Stephanie also included this fabulous link from Mover's Edge with her advice and it has really been helpful! 

And P.S., its true... this tape gun thing is pretty amazing!

Thanks to everyone for their wonderful advice!

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