
Monday, October 8, 2012

Fallish Things.

Over the weekend we did Fallish things.  We were fortunate to have our two good friends, Dianna and Tyler, visit from Indiana.  We took advantage of the turning leaves and cooler temperatures to indulge in some of my favorite things.

Scarves, and leaves, and warm blankets in the chilly air.  Homemade apple cider sangria, hot soup, and catching up with my friend that I miss so much.

I think the secret to a great Fall weekend is a warm cozy home, some good comfort food, and cider. Scented candles, a couple snuggly blankets, and something pumpkin won't hurt either.  Sometimes the hubby thinks I stress too much over the details so I have been trying to simplify (for my own sanity) and at the same time not give up some of the fun planning.  I've found that if I add in a couple of key details and let the rest of the weekend unfold unplanned I have so much more fun!

So before the weekend started, I scoured Pinterest to find a few recipes that I though would compliment our weekend.

I found the recipe for this Sangria on Pinterest.  I didn't think to snap a picture until I had already eaten out the apple chunks.  This recipe was great and you can find it here.  I will definitely be making it again.  One of the reasons that I loved it was because it didn't require a trillion obscure ingredients.

I also made this slow cooker cream cheese chicken chili.  It was super easy, very filling, and yummy.  Typically, I don't make meals using ingredients that aren't fresh so this soup with cream cheese and a ranch packet was an indulgence for us.  You can find the recipe at Plain Chicken.  I will definitely keep it in mind if I ever need to feed a crowd.  I doubled the recipe and we had tons leftover.

Picture found at Plain Chicken

Did you do any Fallish things over the weekend?

P.S.  I also put out some outdoor Fall decor and managed to get poison ivy ALLLL over my ankles... I would definitely appreciate any home remedy suggestions!!!

Linking up with:

miscellany monday at lowercase letters


  1. Looks like you are growing your hair out! And I am thinking of cutting mine short again!

    1. DONT CUT YOUR HAIR!!! You know you'll regret it!!! Stay strong!

  2. What a lovely fall weekend! That recipe looks delicious! How many servings did it make when you doubled the recipe? I may make it for our small group this week (8-10 people).

    1. Hmmm... I would probably triple the batch. If you served something like veggies and dip or salad and bread, in addition, I think it would definitely be enough.

  3. Hey Jodi! I'm your partner for the Fall Favorites Swap!! I love FALL so much!! We did Fall-ish things this past weekend too!! I think my post is scheduled for Thursday?!?! Anyway, I'm off to read your blog!


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