
Monday, July 30, 2012

Ten Painting Tips for the Painting Novice.

As promised, I asked my mother (who has her degree in HGTV) for pieces of advice that she thought that every beginning painter should know.  She thought that all her advice sounded like common sense, but I recently found out that painting isn't as easy as I thought.

Ten Tips for the Painting Beginner:

1. Don't rush the job.
Take your time and do it right.  When we moved into our house it was obvious that the previous owners had been in a huge hurry when they painted.  They hadn't bothered to tape of the trim or even the floors and there was white paint all over the hardwood floors.  It made for a messy amateur looking job.

2. Cover things/move things out of the room that you don't want ruined.
Huge plastic tarps are pretty cheap and can cover up a lot of furniture.  If you are able it is sometimes easier to move the furniture completely out of the room so it isn't in your way.  Don't cover furniture with sheets because the paint can soak through the material.

3. Don't buy cheap tape.
Although painting can be expensive, and you may find yourself tempted to buy the cheapest supplies possible, it is important not to skimp on some of the necessities.  Buying the good tape will ensure that it sticks to the wall and prevents paint from getting behind the tape and onto the part of the wall you don't want painted.  

4. Buy good paint.
Just like you can't skimp on the tape, more importantly you can't buy the cheapest paint.  Well, I guess you could, but the better quality stuff will take less coats and will go on the wall more evenly.  I also like to buy a paint with a primer already in it.  This is especially crucial if you are painting a lighter color onto a darker wall.

5. Buy a comfortable brush to use.
You are going to have the brush in your hands for a good amount of time and it is important that it feels comfortable.  Buy a brush that is good quality and is angled.  A brush that it 1 1/2 to 2 inches is generally a good size.  The brush is used for the trim work (I roll the biggest part of the wall).

6. Remove lint from nap (the fluffy part) on roller by using paint tape.
This prevents lint from the nap from getting onto the wall when you first begin painting.

7. Let paint dry completely before trim work or application of second coat of paint.
Paint will not completely coat, will wipe off the paint you just put on the wall, or may become too thick and drippy if repainted before dry.

8. Buy paint tray liners for easier painting.
You can get a paint tray liner for about $1.00.  Investing in a couple plastic paint trays is easier than trying to clean out the metal tray each time you want to change colors.

9. Put tray and roller in trash bag to go back to later.
If you need to take a break (a short one or overnight) put the whole paint tray along with the roller into a trash bag and twist closed tightly.  This will keep paint already in the tray from being wasted or from drying out.

10. Don't paint too thick to save time.  It will cause the paint to drip down the wall.
By the end of your painting project you will probably find yourself tired of the task and ready for the end result.  Don't try to put on paint too thickly in order to save time.  The paint will drip down the wall and does not look pretty when you have dried drip marks down the wall.

There yuh go!  Hopefully there is at least one tip in here that you didn't know before that will help you out with your next painting project.

Look!  No more yellow and no more chalk board wall!

I'm hoping to make a trip to IKEA this weekend to pick up a few things to complete some of the rooms in my house and I will reveal my newly and freshly painted home!

Sometimes the simple things are the best things!

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