
Sunday, July 15, 2012

A New City: Exploring Chattanooga.

It's official!  I am now a resident of Chattanooga, Tennessee!  It has been so much fun exploring a new city and learning about all it has to offer.  Most of all I am so happy to be reunited with Caleb. The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind.  Between packing, looking for a new job, and moving down here I have managed to find some time for fun which has included:

Trying out new restaurants.

Tony's in the art district:

and lunch at Urban Spoon on the North Shore (with a good book).

I've spent ample time exploring the local shops including local bookstores.

Cup Cakeries.

Art Exhibits.

And Caleb and I even visited the local aquarium!

I think that this city is going to be really amazing for us!

I saved the best news for last!  Caleb and I are officially homeowners!!!  Stay tuned for pictures and lots of home improvement projects!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hang out and explore next week! I'm so excited for you guys!


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