
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Little Organization: Moving to Tennessee

As I mentioned in my last post, we are moving to Chattanooga!  Home of Ruby Falls, Lookout Mountain, and the Moon Pie.  Oh, and Teen Mom's Macy Bookout!  It all sounds so totally fabulous that I have been in denial of the fact that moving also entails packing and packing means going through all my crap and decided what is and isn't going to make the cut.  

Its the ultimate test of organization.  The grand daddy of all organizational projects.  While I admit that it does feel nice to move into a new home with freshly unpacked boxes and everything perfectly organized, its the steps before the bliss that are so dreaded.  Ugh!

I think I need a plan.  Should I take it one room at a time?  Should I pack the easiest items first?  The thinks I use the least?  How soon should I get started?  Aaaaahhhh!

I took the first step last night by dragging Caleb to Lowe's where we bought some moving boxes.  Apparently chivalry is not dead because he insisted on carrying all the boxes out to the car himself which created a fun little scenario (we had about 15 boxes...).  He would pick them up, drop them, pick them up, then decided to carry them all on his head.

Caleb also thought we needed this thing (for lack of a better word).  A tape gun ?  It loks more complicated than your regular role of tape.  It will either make my life easy when packing or a living nightmare...

I'm suddenly feeling so overhwhelmed!  Anyone have any moving advice?


  1. I am so excited!!! i have to admit I laughed out loud when you talked about caleb carrying it all on his head hahahaha

  2. We just moved and still have most of our stuff in storage. IT SUCKS! My biggest word of advice, pack by room, label boxes on all sides with the major things in them (not just what room it is), and keep a few boxes reserved for the very important/use everyday stuff and put it on last. Start early because if you don't, you will just start throwing stuff in boxes. Get rid of lots of stuff! Its so great to shed stuff! Enjoy the process! Take pictures of how your place is now. And that's about all I got! Enjoy tennessee!

    1. Thanks for the suggestions!!! It sounds like good advice!!

  3. Oh and that tape gun thing is awesome. Just be careful. I cut myself several times.

  4. Awesome sister in law lived in Chattanooga, so we've been there a few times. I like it!

  5. You will love that tape gun! We are down to just a few days to pack, and we've only packed our bookshelves and like 1/4 of my closet. I'm hoping the reorganization part once we get there goes much better than packing :). Can't wait to see your new house!!

    P.S. I'm super excited to be your southern neighbor!


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